In your own life maybe money is tight. No matter how hard you try, with the price of gas, groceries, and utilities, mortgages, rent, credit card payments, and car notes there just always seems to be more month than money when bills come due. It's so expensive to just live, much less to try to buy our wants.
Discouragement, worry, and anxiety are taking over your life, and your faith is slowly being replaced with fear with each incessant ring of the telephone and each visit to the mailbox.
Hold on ...
In all of this, still hold on. God is coming. He sees your struggle. He knows your need.
What can I do?
- Continue to meditate on His Word. Research the scriptures that specifically pertain to provision and meditate on them every day.
- Pray. He wants you to come to Him and cast your cares upon Him. He wants you to ask Him to take charge of the needs in your life.
- You may need to escalate your petition to Him with fasting. There are circumstances in life where reading and prayer are the basic foundations for getting in contact with God, but there are other circumstances that may entail more complex issues where fasting may be needed.
- Do good for others. When we take our focus off of ourselves and our own problems we give God more room to work.
- Be faithful to His house. Encouragement from other believers, preaching and teaching of the Word, and a purposeful effort to be faithful to what God requires of us can help us to maintain our faith while in the midst of a struggle.
- Believe. He promised to provide, His Word is true, and He can't lie.
God is fathful.
God will bring victory into your life in the area of need. Your definition of need may not be limited exclusively to finances. It may extend to companionship, deliverance, to guidance. Need in the life of one believer may be different than need in the life of another aside from the basic needs of food, clothing, and shelter. Try Him and see if He won't pour you out a blessing that you won't have room to receive.
Hope and believe.
If He doesn't seem to be answering your prayers ask Him to reveal to you if there's anything in your life that isn't pleasing to Him, and if He shows you make that adjustment. But know that there is a hope for your future, that He's able, and He indeed will supply your need.
"But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Phillippians 4:19
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