Thursday, March 26, 2015

Book Promotion

Hello, readers. I'm happy to report that Devotionals for the Brokenhearted is going to be featured on #BuckBooks along with 14 other books from TCK Publishing on March 30! Sign up at . This will be a major sales event, so if you've been waiting to get your copy at a reduced price, now is the time!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day 2015

Image via
As we ease into Valentine's Day 2015, I'm asking those who are already blessed to have found that perfect romantic pairing that exists in belonging to that one special someone to remember those who will be alone this year and haven't yet found contentment in their singlehood. Stretch your definition of love just a little bit and show a random act of love that will encourage, inspire a smile, or give just a little bit of happiness. This can be as simple as an encouraging word, a prayer, a token gift, a flower, a card, an invitation to lunch, or even something as simple as a cupcake! When you use your imagination the sky is the limit. Happy Valentine's Day! May you be surrounded with the wonderful sense of feeling and completeness that comes from experiencing perfect love.

'Love of Christ,

Thursday, July 3, 2014

5 Apps That Will Help Increase Your Daily Bible Reading

As a Christian, I have a very strong spiritual life and am constantly trying to improve myself in the areas of personal and spiritual development. One of the keys, for me, in doing this is through daily Bible reading. As an extremely busy writer though with a very heavy workload, this has proven to be challenging at times. However, I have found a way to be consistent in this area through the use of technology. Here are five apps that will help you increase your daily Bible reading.
  1. YouVersion. This one is my absolute favorite. The developers have made it possible for you to use it on a smartphone, a tablet, or a computer. There's a version for just about every handheld device out there. YouVersion has even improved over the years in that it now offers a social networking capability to the app. You can invite friends and together you can share the insights that you have gained in your reading during that day along with notes, highlights, and bookmarks. It is very encouraging and motivating to exchange these kinds of ideas with like-minded people.
  2. Bible Gateway. Bible Gateway has been around for a very long time. From different versions of the Bible to reading plans to scholarly commentary, everything that you could need or want to study the Word of God is here.
  3. Glo Bible. This is one that I have never heard of before today. It has all kinds of interactive multimedia capability and a beautiful layout and design. It is available for both iOS devices and the PC. The deal killer for me though is that it is not available for Android users.
  4. Daily Bible. In the interest of being fair, since the above app is only available for iOS, I am presenting this particular one because it is exclusive to Android so far. Very simple in design, it offers the Bible in the King James version and is indexed for topical study.
  5. Logos Bible. This one is a veritable powerhouse for serious students of the Word. Equipped with multiple versions of the Bible, maps, scholarly commentary, and social networking capabilities, this one is hard to beat. Available on iOS, Android, Kindle Fire, and the Web.
With all of the technology available to us today, there is no reason why any believer should not be able to get in a daily dose of the Word. God has blessed us to live in a time in this country where everyone has free access to the scriptures, and this is not a gift that should be taken lightly.
Download one of these apps today and enjoy studying at home, away, at church, or anywhere that you can sit down, get still, and receive the written Word of God.
Logos Bible

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Monday, June 23, 2014

Helping the Poor and Needy

He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again. Proverbs 19:17, KJV

Something happened today that brought me to tears. I was truly wounded to my core. One of my Facebook friends, a very pleasant older lady with a strong work ethic who has worked many years over the course of her career life in a skilled and demanding profession, posted her frustration about being 12 days away from pay day and not knowing how she was going to purchase food.

I've seen her post her fears and hurt about being in such a predicament before, and her humiliation in having to 'beg her needs,' so to speak, radiates from her typewritten words stronger than any verbal expression ever could. Her distress has struck a nerve with me on other occasions, but this time to add to the poignancy of the situation other of her friends joined the refrain recounting their own past and current circumstances with being a part of the working poor.  

It's bad enough to have knowledge of the fact that she has worked so diligently for so many years, yet still has to face this challenge, but to see her anguish frequently met with disdain, scorn, apathy, and no compassion by others on her page is a dagger to my heart that I can't even begin to describe.

I'm aware that over the past few generations that we as a culture have been acclimated to become a generally 'me-centric' type of society, but have our hearts truly grown so cold that we can live in the comfort of fine homes, drive expensive cars, and eat 5-star cuisine, all the while fully aware that others are not only living a lifestyle that's not abundant, but that they are struggling to meet the essential needs of their daily life -- and it doesn't bother us even one bit?

I humbly submit that as we aggressively pursue better career and business opportunities that enable us to increase our standard of living that we might take just a moment to think of those far less fortunate than ourselves, and take some action motivated from a heartfelt place to fill a need that won't necessarily ever be reciprocated back our way.

Let us have hearts that extend beyond mere lip service and that represent a higher calling of character, godliness, and righteousness. 
May more of us be compelled to actions that portray a more loving and compassionate way of life.  

*Photo:  Franco Folini via Flickr.